Helping to Support the Team Behind the Apps for a Major Retail Chain

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A typical IT organization’s primary responsibilities are application development, IT infrastructure, and managing the integration between systems (front-end and back-end) to provide the internal user with a seamless experience. 

However, it can be a bit more complicated when you are the IT organization for a leading international multi-format, multi-category, and omnichannel retailing platform with a half-dozen or more online applications.

Each Business Unit’s application operates independently and has grown and been updated over time. This means different technology and backend systems for critical services, such as inventory control and billing, are used by each application.

Adding to this is the urgency of retail, with unique shopping campaigns, sale seasons, and promotions. You can quickly understand how a backlog of open status tickets and unaddressed bugs could overload even this world-class application development team and significantly impact the organization’s revenues.

Role of Aware’s Application Support

Since 2020, Aware’s Application Support Services Team has taken on an active role in helping streamline the flow of information and communication for this Major Retailer’s IT Organization. The Aware 24×7 service hotline guarantees a maximum 15-minute response time.

To deliver on this SLA, the Aware team works in shifts, taking reports of problems. Once a report is received, the agent performs three essential tasks to regulate the flood of information, which results in a manageable stream of communication:

  • Investigating the cause of the issue.
  • Simulating the situation and reproducing the issue.
  • Communicating about the issue, either by aiding in an operator-generated issue or categorizing and logging the issue for the client’s technical team for resolution.

Streamlining Communications and Enhancing User Experience

Speeding up the flow of information has been critical to providing an enhanced internal user experience and generating additional sales revenue.

This improved communication flow has resulted in:

  • Elimination of the original backlog of open support tickets.
  • A drastic increase in the handling speed for new tickets and issues.
  • Decrease in the wait time to resolve operator-generated issues.
  • Freeing up the Client’s Software Engineers to focus on bug fixes instead of investigation and reproduction.
  • Decreased stress and a more enjoyable work environment for the IT Organization’s Team.

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