Welcome to Worldwide Wednesday.

Yesterday we talked about Apple’s beta TestFlight, which allows iOS testers to test their apps prior to launch. This move gave the iOS developer community something to smile about. Read here.

So what about Android?

Android is the worlds the leading mobile OS, powering 78% of smartphones globally. Google’s open source software plays a big role in the platforms ubiquity.

Percolate, a software company that is contributing to the open-source community with a brand-new Android utility library called “Caffeine” which helps to speed up the development of Android applications.

How does “Caffeine” achieve this?

It works by making simple (but often code-heavy) tasks accessible and bug-free through a rich set of code utilities, which shortens the amount of code you have to write and maintain in your applications. It also prevents code duplication by allowing developers to follow the recommended DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) approach. This new programming interface will help the stability of Android apps and prevent them from crashing.

The eight classes available in Caffeine are: ActivityUtils, CountUtil, DialogUtils, MiscUtils, PhoneUtils, StrictModeUtils, ToastUtils, and ViewUtils.

Click here to know about their individual methods.

Percolate intends to shape and add to the library in the coming months, so we will keep you updated on further development


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