Equivalence class partitioning or EQP is the technique of blackbox software testing method. In this technique tester separates data in two distinct type

  1. Valid data
  2. Invalid data

If we look at input testing number of input data would be more and if we test application with all possible input it will take long time to finish testing. To overcome this situation we select some candidate value from each domain which makes software testing very effective.

Let’s take example from previous blog post


  1. Username field should not accept more than 10 characters
  2. At least 4 characters are required as username
  3. Username should not accept any special characters
  4. Username is a required field to go to next field
  5. Username can contain Alphabets and Numeric

In above requirement we can consider pt. 3, pt.4 and pt. 5 as EQP.

Case: Username should not accept any special characters and Username can contain Alphabets
and Numeric 
can be clubbed to derive test cases. 

Valid Invalid
Username is an alphabet No Username
Username is an numeric Username contains special character
Username is alpha numeric Username contains white space at end
  Username contains white space at beginning
  Username contains white space in name

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