Same like other windows product PowerShell ISE comes with a plenty of help for each commands. This helps are updateable online and offline.


If system is connected with internet you can update PowerShell with newest available package. To update the PowerShell help execute command “update-help”. This command will connect to Microsoft update and automatically download required packages. This may take few minutes to update the complete help.
12 20 2013 9 48 01 AM

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If help needs to be installed on the system with no internet connectivity, than two commands needs to be executed. 1. Save-help and 2. Update-help for both commands one more parameter of save-help path and update-help from path is required.

  1.                 Command to save help: save-help –DestinationPath <path>
  2.                 Command to update help: update-help –SourcePath <path>

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To get details about any command execute “help <command name>” for example to get information about save-help command execute “help save-help”

12 20 2013 9 58 57 AM 300x162

To get help with example on how to execute any command “help <command name> -full”

12 20 2013 10 03 20 AM 300x162

To get help with only examples “help <command name> -Examples”
12 20 2013 10 04 51 AM 300x162

To get help on floating window “help <command name> -ShowWindow”

12 20 2013 10 06 14 AM 300x162

To get help online “help <command name> -Online”

12 20 2013 10 06 57 AM 300x162


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